
  • Evidence-Based Practices - The resources provided here are supported by research and evidence. Topics include assessment, child development, curriculum & instruction, family involvement, inclusion, and transition.
  • Superintendent's memo - This page provides superintendent memos specific to Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Administrators and individuals responsible for administrative oversight of local ECSE programs.
  • State/Federal Organizations - This page provides national and state level initiatives and organizations relevant to early childhood special education.
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Showing Results 151 - 200 of 268
Description: Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals is a video training resource for early childhood coaches, based on the 5 key characteristics of coaching as outlined by Dathan Rush and M'Lisa Shelden. These characteristics can be applied to a number of early childhood settings. Chapters include: Chapter 1: What is Coaching? Chapter 2: Joint Planning Chapter 3: Observation Chapter 4: Action/Practice Chapter 5: Reflection Chapter 6: Feedback Chapter 7: The...
Description: The ICP is a classroom observation measure for assessing the quality of inclusive classroom practices that support the developmental needs of children with disabilities, 2 ½ -5 years of age, in early childhood settings. This training is series of online modules that provide an overview of the ICP provided through the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute.
Description: Recorded webinar from the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations:  Distance coaching has been an option to address challenges in finding time and opportunities to meet. These challenges are especially evident in family childcare and rural settings. Due to our country’s recent events, many coaches are finding ways to do their coaching from a distance. We discuss distance coaching as one way to address this issue. We also discuss the successes and challenges of distance coaching...
Description: The ECTA Center partnered with the DaSy Center, Ann and Rud Turnbull, and invited guests to facilitate an interactive four-part web broadcast series aimed at supporting early intervention (EI) and early childhood special education (ECSE) systems leaders with building capacity in personnel and families to develop trusting partnerships. These partnerships in a child’s early years lay the foundation for achieving the long-term intended outcomes for children/students with developmental delays...
Description: This module, a DEC-recommended resource, includes information on how to create developmentally appropriate behavior rules for early childhood classrooms so that they link to a given school's behavior expectations. The importance of communication with families about rules and expected behaviors is also stressed (est. completion time: 1.5 hours).
Description: From the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations: Positive Behavior Support describes the approach used to provide intensive individualized interventions to individual children with challenging behavior.  This website provides information and resources for the use of Positive Behavior Support in the design of effective interventions for individual children with persistent challenging behavior. including the Positive Behavior Support Process: Six Steps for Implementing Positive...
Description: Since it is critical to have knowledge of child development for children ages two to five, there are two webshops on understanding age expectations. Anyone who needs a better understanding of child development should begin with these two webshops: Online Module: Understanding Age Expectations: Birth to 3 - A Guide for Virginia's Early Childhood Special Educators Estimated time to complete: 50 minutes "Understanding Age Expectations: Birth to 3 – A Guide for Virginia’s Early Childhood...
Description:  Screening, evaluation and assessment are distinct processes with different purposes under the provisions of Part C and Part B. Screening includes activities to identify children who may need further evaluation in order to determine the existence of a delay in development or a particular disability. Evaluation is used to determine the existence of a delay or disability, to identify the child's strengths and needs in all areas of development. Assessment is used to determine the individual...
Description: From the Head Start ECLKC site: The Relationship-based Competencies (RBCs) are based on research and recommended practice across many fields working with families from pregnancy through the early childhood years. These fields include: Early care and education Early intervention Infant mental health Child welfare Maternal and child health Pediatrics Social work Psychology Topics include: Relationship-Based Competencies for Early Childhood Professionals Who Work With Children in Group Care...
Description: This website from Indiana University's Early Childhood Center, provides resources related to tele-intervention for providers. One highlighted resource is the tip sheet for mobile coaching for providers on using the SS-OO-PP-RR (Setting the Stage, Observation and Opportunity to Embed, Problem-Solving and Planning, Reflection and Review). There is also a resource on what to say to families when initiating tele-intervention. Resources are updated on this website regularly.
Description: The Ohio Association of County Boards of DD, a grantee of the Ohio DD Council, has produced in partnership with families and practitioners in Ohio, a video series about the use of technology with evidence based early intervention. These eight videos illustrate how video, video conferencing, and related technologies can improve access to, and the quality of, supports for families as well as better enable teams to practice evidence-based early intervention services. The videos cover the following...
Description: Created by the Virginia Early Intevention Professional Development Center (VEIPD), this YouTube channel features reflections from early interventionists in Virginia who share their experiences including successes and challenges regarding tele-intervention. New videos are posted each week.
Description: Created by the Family, Infant, and Preschool Program, this website contains a variety of resources, including a video and infographics. The video shows how you can use tele-intervention during this time of social distancing and includes an overview of system requirements, how to plan a visit, the three parts of a virtual visit, and what conducting an tele-intervention visit looks like in action. The inforgraphics cover topics including Early Childhood Intervention Practices, Teaming...
Description: Below are links to articles related to tele-intervention. They are meant to complement the other featured resources within Tele-Intervention.
Description: This training is a self-paced online course. The course is provided as a collaboration between the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Autism Center for Education (ACE) and the Virginia Autism Council. To participate, you need a computer with (preferably high-speed) internet access, Adobe Flash Player software within your browser, and a sound card with speakers in order to listen to the lectures (full text transcripts are provided for all lectures and multimedia). Course Overview Autism...
Description: The essential practices in early intervention for children birth to five years can happen through actual conversation, even conversations that are held virtually. In this webinar, Robin McWilliam, Ph.D. and Cami Stevenson discuss how we can find out who’s in the family’s ecology, what the child and family needs are, develop participation-based child goals and family goals, construct a routines-by-goals matrix, and provide support-based visits—all done remotely.
Description: During this webinar, Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak will draw upon attachment science and explore how it is critical that we take action to ensure all children feel safe, seen, soothed, and have secure attachments. We’ll also explore the idea of being a "stress detective” and how to navigate challenges that allow us to reimagine early care and educational practices that emphasize relationships and wholeness, especially for children with diverse abilities and their families. Following...
Description: This guide highlights 5 key practices for teachers and families to support all students, including students with disabilities, at school and home. For each practice, the guide provides (a) tips for teachers to support students with disabilities during instruction; (b) tips for families that educators can share to support or enhance learning at home, especially during periods of remote instruction; and (c) free-access resources that include strategies shown to be effective by research (e.g.,...
Description: The Social Emotional Preschool Curriculum Consumer Report provides information and guidance for Head Start programs as they select curricula based on the strengths and needs of their participating children and teachers. The curricula reviewed in this report were rated for their implementation in center-based programs, and each includes elements designed to strengthen the teaching and learning of children’s social emotional and approaches to learning skills. This report is intended to...
Description: In response to the 2018 General Assembly, the VDOE created this plan to help ensure that the VPI, which serves nearly 18,000 at-risk children across 1,300 classrooms, provides a high-quality preschool experience that helps prepare each 4-year-old served for kindergarten. The plan aggregates lessons learned from the JLARC study, Virginia Preschool Initiative Plus implementation, and University of Virginia – Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL). As requested by the...
Description: The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) is focused on promoting the social emotional development and school readiness of young children birth to age 5. The Promoting Social and Emotional Competence training modules available on this site provide evidence-based practices for promoting children's social and emotional development and preventing challenging behaviors.
Description: Virginia Commonwealth University-Autism Center for Education, VCU-ACE, is continuing to provide resources for families. VCU-ACE provides an opportunity for parents to join us for Lunch and Learn. An interactive and secure Zoom meeting that will address different topics each week. There will be a short presentation with a time for Q&A.
Description: Indicator 7: Child Outcomes is an accountability measure focused on the improved performance of preschool children with disabilities. OSEP requires states to measure and report on the percentage of preschoolers with IEPs who, between the time they enter and exit early childhood special education services, demonstrate improved:  positive social-emotional skills, acquisition and use of knowledge and skills, and use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs. To accurately and systematically...
Description: This is a resource document for teachers to use to help create individualized daily/weekly lessons for students with early childhood aged children with disabilities. The lesson ideas in the sections are divided into functional activities associated with time of day (morning, afternoon, evening). The teacher and parent should work together to select activities that will help meet the needs of the individual student. When possible, links are provided to virtual resources and general resources...
Description: The most effective strategies for addressing challenging behavior are primarily focused on prevention of challenging behavior and promotion of appropriate social behaviors. These strategies include environmental manipulations, providing positive attention and feedback to children, and teaching social skills and emotional competencies. Even when these practices are in place, some young children will engage in challenging behavior. There are several strategies you can use when responding to...
Description: The Template is to be completed by an Early Childhood Special Education Teacher/Therapist and parents/guardians to identify embedded practices, specific to each child’s IEP.
Description: #GoOpenVA is Virginia's home for OER! It's a growing community of educators and education partners working together to help teachers personalize learning and address the learning goals of the Profile of a Virginia Graduate.
Description: VAAEYC serves Virginia early educators with local public policy support, accreditation support, professional development, and connections. Our Mission VAAEYC acts and speaks on behalf of all young children in Virginia. Our Vision All children will grow up valued, respected and provided with the nurturing and resources necessary to ensure their optimal development.
Description: When general education students and students with special needs play together, it breaks down unconscious biases about disability and fosters relationships. A powerful video from a California school that demonstrates inclusion on the playground.
Description: This Information Memorandum (IM) highlights requirements in the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) related to the inclusion of children with disabilities and delays. It includes a list of free resources for grantees' use in implementation efforts.
Description: This manual was developed by the Virginia Department of Education and the state system of Training and Technical Assistance Centers to help local school divisions meet federal and state mandates that children with disabilities be educated in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). The manual contains 8 modules and extensive resources which provide critical information for understanding, building, supporting, and sustaining inclusive placement opportunities for young children with...
Description: The K-12 Inclusive Practices Guide is an informational resource to support school divisions and parents looking to improve outcomes for students with disabilities by meeting their needs to the maximum extent possible in general education setting.
Description: The VCPD Inclusive Practices Task Force has compiled a list of state and national resources in support of inclusive practices for young children birth to age five. The "VCPD Inclusive Practices State and National Resources November 2019" includes awareness and rationale, evaluation of inclusive programs, high quality inclusive practices, and systems level supports. Websites, books, and technical assistance center resources are described. If you cannot locate it through the link below, search for...
Description: From the big picture to the nitty gritty, learn more about CLASS® (Classroom Assessment Scoring System) from their free resources. This section includes: Webinars Videos Info sheets Research Case studies Crosswalks E-books Tutorials
Description: Preschool refers to the time before a child is old enough to go to kindergarten or elementary school.  In Virginia, preschoolers who are eligible for special education and related services are entitled to placement in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) alongside their peers without disabilities with supplementary aids and services.  Inclusion in early childhood programs is supported through years of research and reinforced by a strong legal foundation and can set a trajectory for...
Description: Virginia Child Count, 2018* Children with IEPs, Ages Two-Five In 2013, approximately 17,250 children In 2014, approximately 17,350 children In 2015, approximately 17,600 children In 2016, approximately 18,500 children In 2017, approximately 19,200 children In 2018, approximately 19,800 children- An increase of 620 children from 2017 Children with IEPs, by Age Ages 0-2: 1,038 children with IEPs (an increase of 110 children (15%) from 2017) Age 3: 4,309 children with IEPs Age 4: 6,485 children...
Description: Virginia Early Childhood Foundation (VECF) is pleased to partner with the Virginia Department of Education in implementing the $9.9 million federal Preschool Development Grant Birth to Five awarded to Virginia earlier this year. Through this grant, Virginia seeks to understand the current state of early care and education and what it will take to provide children with quality care, support, and a strong start in life.   Today, critical first steps in this process - a statewide Needs...
Description: This webinar will provide the background and rationale for using a coaching interaction style in early childhood programs to build the capacity of parents, teachers, and other care providers to promote child learning within the context of everyday routines and activities. In this powerful webinar, the presenters, Dathan Rush and M'Lisa Shelden, will share the evidence-based characteristics of coaching practices and discuss strategies that can be used by all early childhood educators from a...
Description: Ready to learn the ins and outs of Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) early intervention? Hearing First just launched the Fundamentals of LSL Learning Series, a new 12-course learning program that will give professionals and parents a solid foundation of knowledge to help children with hearing loss learn to listen and talk. If you're new to LSL or just seeking to up level your learning, this program is for you! The first learning experience of the series starts in July, but you can learn...
Description: The VPI Guidelines (Guidelines for the Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) 2022-2023) have been revised to reflect goals and objectives in Virginia's Plan to Ensure High-Quality Instruction in All Virginia Preschool Initiative Classrooms.  
Description: CDC scientists published a report on the prevalence and characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among 4-year-old children. This report is based on information from the Early Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network. Full report published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Surveillance Summaries.  
Description: This online module from the ECTA Center addresses strategies to engage parents in activities to build their competence and confidence in providing learning opportunities for their child. The module is divided into 4 lessons ranging from 10-15 min. each, and includes short video demonstrations, checks a learner's understanding through a variety of interactive formats, and; includes a family capacity-building checklist for self-assessment or planning home visits.
Description: Foundations of Coaching in Early Childhood: Partnering with Parents and Professionals is a video training resource for early childhood coaches, based on the 5 key characteristics of coaching as outlined by Dathan Rush and M'Lisa Shelden. These characteristics can be applied to a number of early childhood settings. The video features an early interventionist and family, as well as other types of coaches and coachees. (This video series was created by the following partners: Hartford...
Description: This resource is designed to help division level personnel increase the fidelity of the COS process. Child Outcome Summary Process Self-Assessment  - This tool is a self-assessment intended to be used by division personnel involved in the OSEP Child Outcomes Summary process. It can be used by individuals or as part of a peer review process to reflect upon the extent to which the process used by the program meets the quality expectations of the state. 
Description: The Indicator 7 Technical Assistance Document was developed in 2019 to assist school divisions to implement the COS process with fidelity.  Support documents include the COS Summary Form, COS Decision Tree, COS Summary Rating Guide, and COS Process Discussion Prompts.  Indicator 7:  Child Outcomes Summary Process Technical Assistance Document - The purpose is to assist school divisions to implement the COS process with fidelity. Indicator 7: Child Outcomes Summary Process...
Description: According to Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children  with Disabilities in Virginia, Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) means that to the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities, including children in public or private institutions or other care facilities, are educated with children who are not disabled, and that special classes, separate schooling or other removal of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only when...
Description: Sign It! is an innovative new online curriculum for learning American Sign Language (ASL). The instruction is done by professional actors (both deaf and hearing) who are fluent in ASL and is highly interactive, entertaining, and engaging. You can complete the lessons at your own pace. Built-in quizzes provide feedback about how well you are learning the material, and there is ample opportunity for practice. You'll see video vignettes showing conversational ASL, interviews with deaf celebrities,...
Description: Data are from the December 1, 2017 Child Count unless noted otherwise. Child Count by Age Total Children with Individualized Education Programs Ages 2-5 as of December 1, 2017: 19,224 Total Children with Individualized Education Programs Ages 2-5 as of December 1, 2016: 18,504 (Approximately 3.5% increase)   Total Children with Individualized Education Programs Ages 3-5 as of December 1, 2017: 18,296 Total Children with Individualized Education Programs Age 2 as of December 1,...
Description: Scientists and parents know that young children’s brain development is critically important—and researchers learn more every day. Children experience their most profound cognitive, social, and emotional growth in the first eight years of life. Children’s Institute has put together a series to share educational resources and the latest news from experts about young children’s growing brains and how their caregivers can support and nurture this growth. In this series,...
Description: A four decade look at the Section 619 Preschool Program shows a significant increase in children served.  Part B, Section 619 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is intended to help ensure that all eligible preschool children with disabilities, aged 3-5 years, receive special education and related services. This growth/comparison chart shows the federal appropriations allocated for Part B Section 619, the number of children served, and the federal dollars allocated per...